Tuesday, February 8, 2011

a curse, or a blessing?

when you're little, everything seems normal. i used to eat spam every week. i didn't find out until junior high that i was one of the few, but one of the many in hawaii apparently. i never had spam sushi though. i'll try it next time in hawaii.

my mom always liked clothes and shoes. growing up, she had half of the master closet. somehow over the years, she took over the whole master closet, built one in another room, and when my grandma died, she converted that room into another closet. yes, the whole room. she also has her own shoe closet with at least 100 shoes. i call it hoarding, and then she gives the confused look like she never learned that word in english. maybe there's not a direct translation in ilonggo, tagalog, or spanish. however, she also looks confused when i follow the statement with the word denial.

the question is, is hoarding genetic? my colleague, NBS, said that this video reminded her of me:

yes, i have bought many groupons. i use them constantly. i visit new restaurants in dallas, and i convinced 2 gfs to sit with me naked in a korean spa. recently i've been chosen by groupon headquarters to be one of their "insiders" and they pay me in groupon dollars to do "research" for them each month. is this addiction? am i hoarding groupons? i do use them before the expiration date - they don't sit there and expire. that would be a waste.

right now, continuing from my last post, my life is awesome. being a groupon insider, i get to explore dallas even more. i haven't had one groupon expire yet that i bought, although i have given some away. however, if i start to let them expire, or you see me starting to wake up at 6am to do tai chi, that is not the valerie that sleeps til noon. please start to worry. that means i have a problem. that's when i'll call NBS, and maybe she'll inspire some jaded inspiration to help me out, but more than likely i'll just convince her to join me in the korean spa :)

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