Sunday, May 29, 2011

Les filles en france

Valerie without the girls:
Roquette: we just read books and watched that porn on the tv. We were like an old married couple
Momma m: I don't think that's what old married couples do...

Last night at the hotel:
Roquette: why don't you find us some nice porn on the tv Valerie?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wisdom from an european

Me: yeah at the monthly gun shows you can buy tasers and brass knuckles

European: Texas seems like a great place to live, for a white man

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

asian wisdom

mom: (talking about all different types of engineering because i said that i didn't know the difference...) see your mother is smart. you need to eat many more kilos of rice before you understand life.

Monday, May 9, 2011

alcoholism talk with advisor

(Advisor realizing my love of quality, delicious pizza...)

Advisor: So had any more pizza this weekend?

Me: No, but I had the BEST thing at IHOP! You know how they have the monthly specials? Like waffles and chicken last month?

Advisor: Umm, that's ok you don't need to explain more... just kidding... go on...

Me: I had this delicious cheesy egg scramble and it had tortilla chips on top with enchilada sauce and sour cream on top. It was so good.

Advisor: So when did you have this?

Me: Yesterday around noon I think.

Advisor: Oh ok. Not saturday night at 2pm... hahaha

I don't think he believed me... le sigh...